How to Protect Your Garden from Insects

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While nothing can guarantee that your garden will be pest-free this summer, there are some great ways to reduce the damage. Most importantly, you want to avoid the conditions that invite pests into your garden in the first place. These tips will help keep your plants healthy this season. 

Give Your Plants Room

We’ve all been guilty of wanting to squeeze in as many plants that can fit into our small spaces, but this will only give you a temporary sense of abundance. It can easily lead to problems in the long run. Your garden must get air circulation regularly. Tightly packed plants invite insects that enjoy shelter from the weather and predators. They will raise their families there and eat their way out. 

Water in the Morning

If possible, make sure to water your plants in the morning. Your plants will be hydrated during the hottest part of the day, making them less appealing to pests that prey on wilting plants. The leaves will also have time to dry off before evening. Damp plants are ideal for many garden pests, especially if you also tend to plant things close and densely. In addition to watering in the morning, it’s better to water deeply once or twice a week than only wetting the surface of the soil, and the leaves, regularly.

Attract Toads, Frogs, and Birds

Make your garden welcoming to animals that feast on insects. Frogs and toads should be at the top of that list. All it takes to invite them is a bowl of water and a toad house and simply wait for one to take up residence. 

Birds get a bad rap in the garden but can also chow down on many insects. You don’t usually have to go out of your way to attract birds if they are already in your yard. If they aren’t, you’ll need to plant more food sources for them. And just like the frogs, they appreciate a source of fresh water.

Court the Beneficial Insects

Lastly, when it comes to insects, it’s hard to know who the good guys are – but there are good guys. Not every insect comes to your garden to chow down. Some are carnivores who will quickly reduce any population of pests the way no pesticide could. It doesn’t take much to attract beneficial insects. The trick is keeping them around when all the problems have been eaten. But beneficial insects need pollen and nectar, so having the plants they favor will keep them checking in, if not moving in. An easy way to accomplish this is to allow some herbs, lettuce, and nectar-heavy plants to grow in.

Contact A&M Pest Control Experts

A & M Pest Control provides both insect and rodent control services. Our technicians can keep your yard and garden pest-free this summer. No matter the size of your property, we can effectively treat anything. Call (508) 237-9536 or contact us online for details!

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